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Java...Still Sucking Hard, Compared to Other Languages

I know there are a bunch of Java devotees out there.  I frequently have them evangelizing the language to me as a "strongly-typed" language that is so much better than loosely-typed languages, like PHP.  So here is something that just came up for me and I'd like to ask all those devotees WHY they like the type enforcement. Here's a bit of code to store a random integer as a string in PHP: $myString = rand(5); And now...the Java version: String myString = String . valueOf ( Integer . valueOf ( Math . random () * 10000 )); I get need to keep your phony-baloney job and writing more  code and making it more complicated can help you keep it out of the hands of less "intelligent" programmers. As for myself, I will always prefer a language that lets me write shorter, more eloquent code and get my applications built faster.  But then...maybe I'm just simple.
Recent posts

How to Create a new Case Record Type in Salesforce

Here are the specific steps for adding a case record type. Some steps may vary by organization but the process should be pretty similar to what is shown here. 1) Create a new page layout 2) Add any new case statuses to picklist 3) Edit case statuses that should indicate case is "closed" 4) Add any new case types to picklist 5) Add any new case reasons to picklist 6) Add any new case origins to picklist 7) Add any new fields to case object 8) Under Record Types, ensure the picklists have the correct values (i.e. - Reason/Type/Origin) 9) Within the Type field, edit "Reason" field dependencies matrix and add new reason(s) to types 10) Create a new support process (if not reusing an existing one) 11) Create the new record type (enable for all profiles) 12) Finalize the page layout (if needed) and check "Default" in Case Assignment checkbox under Layout Properties 13) Create approval queues (if needed) 14) Set up approv...

Salesforce Apex: Replacing and/or Removing Apex Classes

Working with code within the constraints of Salesforce's workflow can be a challenge.  First , you have the restriction on changing anything in production.  Second , you have the requirement for 75% or greater unit test coverage.  Third , you have the fact that certain metadata cannot be pushed to production through a changeset (which means the only way to sync record IDs is by re-deploying the development environment from production). Fourth - and this is what I'd like to blog about today - you cannot delete classes from production through the Salesforce UI .  The only way to delete a class from production is to download the class (and its associated metadata file) into the Eclipse IDE (which you have previously set up with the Apex add-on), change the "status" flag to "Deleted", then deploy the changed metadata file to production.  And (here's the kicker)...sometimes it doesn't work because...reasons. So let's start with the workflow of a f...

Regarding Technology (a departure from WebDev)

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View Helpers - Custom Output Parser

I was reviewing some blade view code recently and decided it was too verbose. There were some long output statements that were duplicated throughout the view and that always signals a need to refactor or come up with a better method. So I wanted to share (or at least document) what I came up with here. First, the issue: fields stored as boolean "0/1" in the database must be output in "Yes/No" format. Plus, if the field is blank (or null), that must be reflected as well. Add to that the uncertainty of whether the production Microsoft Azure database will return a string or integer value for 1 or 0. This problem necessitates a blade statement like: {{ $object->property === null || $object->property === "" ? "" : $object->property == 1 ? 'Yes' : 'No' }} Like I said...verbose! One solution might be to create a Laravel accessor for the boolean field in the model. But that would mean that if I want the actual boolean ...

Props for Laravel's Blade Templating

While perhaps not as powerful as the Twig template engine, Laravel's Blade template engine does pretty much everything you're likely to need done in your view templates and it does it with more intuitive syntax. So I wanted to give it some props here that it very much deserves. To boil Blade down to its very basics, there are three essential construct types you need to know: {{ $var }} - output a variable {!! $html !!} - output some HTML (previously sanitized, we hope) @something - the equivalent of the if/else/foreach statements in PHP Basically, any PHP statement you need to use will work within the body of these three constructs. So here are some control flow statements in Blade: @foreach ($companies as $i => $company) @endforeach @if ($something === null) @endif And here are three versions of an echo statement that all work the same: {{ $name === null ? 'Unknown Name' : $name }} {{ $name or 'Unknown Name' }} {{ $name ...

Quit parsing people's names!

As an industry, could we please stop parsing people's names into parts? The only place that is useful is on government websites - and I'd even question it then. What happens when someone is simply named "Cher/Bono/Peter Jenkins Jr. II" or whatever? Why should a website dictate how many parts a name should have? Splitting names into pieces causes all kinds of difficulty when interfacing with other websites. There is no point to it. A person is identified by ALL of their name, not a part of it. Let's just drop the name splitting and start identifying users by their WHOLE name. It will be a lot easier for everyone and make for one less column in the database.